Posters, flyers, and an email newsletter including the usual local press advertising were produced, and two initial taster workshops were run from the Moyses Hall Centre on 8th & 22nd Feb. Participants were loaned Reminiscence boxes for the purpose of conjuring memories through handling objects. They had a visit by a local historian, Clive Paine, on 22nd February 2016.
This project has made a difference to the lives of those attending by conjuring up memories of their past school days, and sharing these experiences whilst taking individuals out of their usual social sphere and routines to reflect. They attended a local art group and overcame apprehensions towards meeting new people, drawing and painting.
“Met some interesting people, improved my art skills, enjoyed conversation, enjoyed adding items to a community art display”
“It has been great to do something which is very different to anything I’ve done before and very enjoyable”
“I think the group has been a success. Everyone has got on well together. I cannot think how it could be improved.”
“I feel that I have contributed to a tiny piece of St. John’s school history, met some nice people and learnt a lot from Genista.”