DIAL have assisted 16 service users over the age of 65yrs since the beginning of the project. Thirteen Home Visits were made as the service users were unable to attend the office due to mobility and/or health issues. A further two appointments were at more rural outreach services via GP practices and a local Job Centre, with one service user only being able to attend the Lowestoft office.
This enabled older people with disabilities or long-term illness to spend more on heating, food, clothes, transport – in fact anything which improved their quality of life and made them more comfortable. It often also helped relatives and carers, who may be able to claim Carer’s Allowance. The relatives and carers also benefited from knowing that the service user had access to more funds which could benefit their lives. In addition, each client was given other information to help them; for example, information about equipment which may help them in the home, or a suggestion of referral to Occupational Therapy services. All of this meant they were less anxious about their conditions and lives in general.