Bridge Project – Sudbury – Awarded a grant of £1,600 towards funding lunchtime workshops.

They held an initial interactive session with Lunch Club attendees using a laptop linked to the main viewing screen.  Christmas scenes were projected on to the screen whilst they ate their meal. After lunch, there was a Christmas Carol and music medley sing-along.  Lunch Club attendees participated by making requests, singing along as words appeared on the screen, and generally remembering songs and films from earlier days thereby aiding social interaction and well-being.

For most of the participants this was the first time they had used tablet computers. It was widely reported that the fear participants had had of ‘breaking it’, or of not knowing what to do, was eradicated. This increased their confidence to seek out new opportunities and information.

The group continue to run monthly sessions across the lunch groups, dementia group, and mental health groups, as well as introducing the equipment to adults with learning difficulties.

“One of the most significant moments came when an individual who doesn’t read or write was introduced to the voice-activated software, and how that then made it possible for him to engage with a whole world of information that he had previously felt excluded from.”

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