They held a ‘Living Well in Later Life’ event, organised by United Response, in April 2016 when the materials were available for use by attendees.
There were 359 attendances at the Living Well Class over five months. Participants included sufferers, carers, and supporters. All participants completed a questionnaire, with questions on expectations, outcomes, quality of delivery, effectiveness of instructor, access and how enjoyable, ratings from 1-10. All responses were positive with ratings of 9-10 for all categories. Comments included ‘Fun and enjoyable’, ‘Socially inclusive’, ‘Felt much better and fitter’, ‘Have lost weight’, ‘I have more flexibility’,’ Met new people and don’t feel so lonely’, ‘It has helped my depression’, and ‘I look forward to the class every week’
‘I am a carer for my husband who had a major stroke 20 years ago, from which he recovered well, but over the past 3 years he has deteriorated mentally and physically resulting in dysphasia and lack of feeling on his right side. The class has provided him with social contact and, importantly, physical exercise within his capabilities under expert supervision. He had in the past attended Keep Fit classes under Bob Halls but did not continue as his health deteriorated.
The class takes place in a friendly and lively atmosphere and Bob is very aware of the disabilities of everyone taking part and encourages all to work within their own capabilities. There is a lot of laughter and friendly banter which is so important for those who live alone or like me have a partner with whom it is difficult to have conversations. It is also good to meet in the cafeteria afterward for a chat and get to know each other.”