Safeguarding Due Diligence Statement

Pargiter Trust requires due diligence assessments and assurance across all our funding decisions. This includes assessing governance, ability to deliver, financial stability and safeguarding.

Pargiter Trust expects those we fund to have high safeguarding standards that protect people from harm, including their own staff and volunteers.

All charities have a responsibility to ensure they don’t cause harm to anyone who has contact with them. Older people who have less power can be particularly vulnerable and at risk of discrimination due to one or more protected characteristics.

Our partners undertake due diligence assessments and provide us with assurances that grant applicants meet the following requirements in their safeguarding practices:

  • an appropriate adult (and where relevant children) written safeguarding policy
  • written safeguarding procedures which staff and volunteers must know
  • staff and volunteers are aware of their roles in safeguarding
  • relevant risk assessments covering safeguarding issues
  • policy or guidance on DBS checks
  • induction plan for new starters that includes safeguarding training

Essential Reading

Safeguarding for Charities and Trustees
Safeguarding and protecting people for charities and trustees

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